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Why Wear a Tie?


3/11/2012 by

1. Even though the relative leisure company, the tie is basically almost every interview."In almost all cases, the interviewer expects the male candidates wear a tie, the shirt of Commerce, and may be prosecuted, said:" Katrina "Mackenzie, Marymount University, interview coach." Well dressed, will not let you work, but the appropriate dressing will eliminate one of the reasons you may not get the job. If you do not look professional, you will question your judgment. "To establish that you make the right decision, and proposed himself as a professional tie a long way to go, I would strongly recommend the wearing quality of the tie, as long as you meet an important client or business partner (especially the first times).

2. All tie on formal occasions such as weddings, funerals, and upscale restaurants in date. In addition, I strongly recommend that you wear a tie, dance, religious services, anywhere, often you brush your teeth, and then into your hair. If set to a formal and / or sufficient fashion, you will feel awkward and disheveled hair, wearing a tie may be a wise and elegant.

3. Quality silk tie manufacture of cheap suits and shirts look elegant. Itself, the $ 30 shirts and 50 suits may not look spectacular. However, ties, such as a $ 25 the Principessa quality designer feast, you can make the whole ensemble look amazing. Remember, the tie is almost always better than the shirt and suit command more attention, because it is usually the most eye-catching colors, as the center of your body. Besides your face, which is most people will notice you first thing.

4. Relations guy into the fashion colors of their clothing, especially on a more formal occasions, the only one of the methods. Can be the most solid color tie to wear a white shirt (especially in the dark value). In contrast, wearing a solid purple or orange suit solid is likely to be serious resentment.

5 A stranger might be taken more seriously, if you're wearing the right tie. Respect for human professionals and companies are more likely to give additional consideration to people dressed like businessmen. For me personally, I always wear a shirt and tie the airport, because I find it's a free seat upgrades and other great benefits. Whenever you absolutely need a good first impression, for example, I suggest that the tie, as long as you meet the prospective owners, quasi-loans bankers to discuss trying to enter the club a good relationship can also help make the University of interview, introduced to a new client

6. The relationship can help to establish the key features. In the interview, you may want to show you an accurate, decent, professional hiring managers. In a club, you may want to show you how to fashion and fun. In any case, the carefully selected tie to show people how to self-confident, intelligent, insightful, advanced, mature and refining. Like your dress, your choice of clothing, say a lot about you.

7. Tie his shirt up or down, so you save money in your closet. For example, you can wear a black shirt and red tie club and dance, or gold contact most of the interview. Your relationships, your wardrobe more flexible. In addition, because the relationship between prices generally higher than the shirt, it is usually easier to buy a new tie, your favorite shirt to wear in a new set, it is just to buy a new shirt completely.

8. Self-esteem. You brush your hair to shave before going out, right? Wear a tie is a simple modification, style and etiquette to a new level.

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