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white tie---NOT only for wedding


3/03/2012 by

Perhaps you may think white ties suits only wedding, and as a rule, this is actually true. However,put on which a person who lent you a sense of lightness, you may not have realized before. It gives you a completely different impression, you may refresh your mood. In any case, so it was told that this dress for a man and a white tie in some cases, may be you need to change not only your mood, but the people around you too. 

Are you going to, for example, wearing a black T-shirt for your best friend's wedding on the top of the splendid appearance of the white suit and you take light wedding ivory tie. It exudes a calm and mature, white tie, and can provide a wide range of options, can lend you that fresh feeling is definitely a fashion leader in your closet. This may be work or leisure, people must pay attention to your clothes when you decide that you usually dress white trade. 

Of course, this is most likely, you are not interested in every day to do this if you really want to do it, you want to keep the degree of a particular bearing. Black and white is always a good combination, but the red and white, maybe not an idea good. Red, blue and white color combination will lend you a patriotic look even more foolish appearance, you will wind damage,because they might think you are stupid. So, if you be bold enough to wear white as your dress, always remember what your goal is, and stick to it.

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